Chapter 99


The Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock shows where the sun and moon are across the face of the earth as shown on the AE map. See where your day & night are, position and phase of the moon as the sun laps it every 28 days. .Track the seasons as the sun travels between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. Subscription is required for sending and receiving messages,making outgoing voice & video calls,new user notification, accessing user profiles,detailed weather service and all future additional features. Yearly subscription is just $10.99 or use 11 or your Referral Points to unlock the subscription for a full year!


Friend Finder
LIVE Counter

awesome and for a long time we’ve

been working on this so

awesome and for a long time we’ve been working on this so

awesome and for a long time we’ve been working on this so

we’re gonna be going through the features of the app so if you don’t have it yet what is wrong with you all so you can simply go to the two links that are in the description of this video if you have iOS you can go the iOS version if you have Google Android you can go to the Google Android version do you want me to read from the iOS App Store

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